AED demo using the HeartSine 500

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9 min 14 sec
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Mastering HeartSine 500 AED Usage

Full Demonstration for HeartSine 500 AED

Explore the complete demonstration on how to use the HeartSine 500 Automated External Defibrillator (AED). The demonstration is thoughtfully divided into stages to ensure easy follow-through, equipping you with the necessary knowledge for a real-life emergency response.

Swift Action in Emergencies

In a real emergency, time is of the essence. This detailed demonstration prepares you for quick and efficient actions.

Training Scenario Initiation

The training scenario begins from the moment the AED becomes accessible for use.

Proper Pad Placement

Steps for optimal pad placement:

  • Bare Skin: Remove clothing, including bras or vests, to ensure direct contact with the chest.
  • Pacemaker Awareness: Check for any pacemaker indications.
  • Jewellery and Patches: Safely remove jewellery and identify metal patches to prevent interference with the shock delivery.

Continuous CPR

Maintaining the CPR cycle is critical:

  • Team Effort: If there are two responders, one can prepare the AED while the other continues CPR.
  • Rapid AED Readiness: Expedite AED setup, as every minute without it reduces survival chances by 10%.

AED Activation

Once jewellery checks are completed and the chest is exposed:

  • Power On: Activate the AED unit.
  • Pad Placement: Position the pads as indicated in the provided images.
  • Voice Prompts: Adhere to the AED's voice instructions.
  • Caution: Avoid touching the patient while the AED assesses heart rhythm, as it may detect your pulse.

Ensuring Safety

Guarantee safety before delivering a shock:

  • Clear Area: Confirm that everyone is clear before initiating the shock.

Voice-Guided CPR

The AED unit provides voice instructions for CPR:

  • Comprehensive Guidance: Follow the AED's prompts, including instructions on compression speed and force.

"No Shock Advised"

Understanding the message:

  • Signs of Improvement: If "no shock advised" is prompted, it may indicate potential signs of improvement.
  • Continuing CPR: In this case, continue CPR until emergency services arrive or until fatigue sets in.

Easy-to-Use AEDs

These AED units are incredibly user-friendly and suitable for individuals of all backgrounds, particularly those who may require additional CPR assistance.