After you have used a HeartSine AED

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Maintaining Your AED Unit: Post-Use Procedures

Ensuring Readiness for Future Use

After using your AED, it's crucial to prepare it for future emergencies:

  • Check Spare Pads: Some AED units have spare pads for quick replacement.
  • Contact Supplier for New Pads: If no spare pads are available, contact your supplier for replacements.
  • Manufacturer Support: Some AED manufacturers offer free pads in exchange for AED data, enhancing future device performance.

Accessing and Managing AED Data

To access data from a HeartSine AED:

  • Connect via USB: Use a USB cable to connect your unit to a computer.
  • Download Software: Install free software to retrieve data from the AED.


  • Battery and Pad Replacement: When changing pads on a HeartSine AED, you also replace the batteries.
  • Update Records: Ensure accurate records of battery and pad replacement dates to track expiration.

These steps are essential for maintaining the readiness and reliability of your AED unit.